Thursday, July 13, 2017

MS Paint Keyboard Shortcuts

This post will detail a list of useful MS Paint shortcuts. I use most of these myself as they're much quicker than using the menu or clicking buttons. This is a great resource to bookmark, especially if you are newer to pixel art.

CTRL+Mouse wheel upZoom in
CTRL+Mouse wheel downZoom out
CTRL+ZUndo last action
CTRL+YRedo last action
CTRL+ASelect all (entire image)
CTRL+XCut selected area
CTRL+VPaste selected area
CTRL+CCopy selected area
CTRL+EShow image properties
CTRL+GEnable/disable gridlines
CTRL+REnable/disable ruler

There are other shortcuts as well. I don't use them quite as much but they are still pretty useful: 

CTRL+NNew image
CTRL+OOpen image
CTRL+SSave image
CTRL+PPrint image
CTRL+IInvert colors

Useful keys while drawing: 

Holding SHIFT while using tools such as the line tool, rectangle tool, and ellipse tool, will allow you to draw perfect versions of those things. For example, drawing with the rectangle tool while holding shift will let you draw squares. Drawing with the line tool while holding shift will let you draw a straight line in 45 degree increments.

There are other shortcut keys, but for the sake of brevity I've included the ones I think are most useful. There may even be others I don't know about. Feel free to experiment or research additional ones, and let me know in the comments below if you find this guide useful or have feedback. Thank you!

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