Sunday, July 2, 2017

Order Stories & Articles

I am available to write articles for your website, blog, business, or game. Please contact me for samples of my writing, as I do not like to publish my work to then have it stolen. Rest assured it is high quality work, and you can see my writing style in the posts I've created here. I may post additional articles solely for this site in the future, which will further display my writing ability.

I charge three cents per word, and this amount may only increase as the demand for work increases. You will pay before the articles are received, and you may submit changes to be made after you have paid and received the work. I will perform these changes so long as they are reasonable, and if I feel they are warranted. I will not perform work for free, nor will I completely rewrite articles. I will not write articles that you plan to resell for a higher value, and if these articles are resold I will press charges. I also reserve the right to reuse anything I create as part of a portfolio to showcase my past work. You agree by ordering work from me that these terms are acceptable to you.

Thank you for your visit to my blog, and I hope to hear from you soon.

[com at kethmk42 gmail]

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